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Kattlarv's News

Posted by Kattlarv - July 7th, 2024

Something I've noticed a lot lately that is just... incredibly stupid. Is how people follow someone that is ex: Openly sexist, transphobic or a bigot/criminal of some sort. We have nearly endless information at our fingertips. Yet, people go for months, sometimes years, utterly oblivious.

And then, they eventually say or do something that is just TOO far out there to be ignored. And, most of these people are just flabbergasted. Like: WHY didn't anyone tell them that white supremacists CAN be racist?!

And then they get angry at people like me, because WHY didn't we give them a private four hour lecture on why being a bad person is bad and not nice. While they also brag how they are too lazy to read anything longer than two sentences. I do worry about our recent generations tbh... Like, the older ones are already toast. But, the younger ones should have enough cognitive capacity to go "Holup..." with most events.

Posted by Kattlarv - March 11th, 2024

Like, I miss satire culture in general.

Sure, I'm glad some of it is gone.

But: The sheer amount of stuff I see and think: "Ah, that is some GOOD satire!" only to find out that: No... that was actually a documentary, or something, has me kinda floored. Kinda like the spiderman laugh, but in reverse.

I mean: It used to be okay to make fun of the people that voted for the "leopards eating people's faces party", especially when their faces got eaten. That was... kinda the point?

But, with a lot of places nowadays, it is somehow deemed as "harassment" to even acknowledge someone that faced the consequences of their actions. Sure, there are situations where it can be poor taste. But, I really wonder where things will be in 5 years or so. As the whole "You're making ME look bad by exposing the truth of my actions!" is already in high gear. And, anything that the truth makes look bad... that's not really an issue with the truth... rather the one who did the thing.

I've already seen several sites make it illegal to call out criminals on the site. (Such as art thieves, scammers, etc.)

And I worry where this will lead to. Both in terms of memes. But also just overall, quality of life.


Posted by Kattlarv - July 31st, 2023

Now, to preface: There ARE several more reasons for why both the rating and tagging system are totally fucked. But will be touching on these two at this time.

Firstly: Tagging. This is just a clusterfuck in general.

As many, MANY refuse to learn how to tag. And, most websites have corrupt and/or inept admins, that also don't know the tags. Landing in a bit of a "It's not lootboxes! It's surprise mechanics!" type of thing. To give a simple example: Many sites have stuff like "You need to tag anthro stuff". And people look at that and go "What counts as an anthro?" and just... COMPLETELY IGNORE the on-site definition of it. Then shrug and doesn't use the required tag. And, I've seen several mods/admins then look at that, shrug and go "Well... they say it's not an anthro, its just a humanoid with animal features!".

Nothing is really done about this. Most websites just keep ignoring this. Heck, even a certain "HF" one that CLAIMS to have "quality control", is just littered with useless staff that doesn't even know the site tags, are easily bribed, and just... allow content that match their preferences. Heck, even seen sites cram tags into each other. As, "they seem close enough". Only real fix would be for people to get a standard when it comes to tagging. And stop accepting sub-par tagging.

Main issue seems to be the whole "I can tag whatever I want!". Where people ignore rules as "I don't FEEL like that applies.". Like for example: Not feeling like the definition of a ex: "shapeshifter" applies to their character, despite every single point is correct. They just don't WANT to call it a shapeshifter, etc.

And secondly, the main topic: The rating system.

It has an inherent issue that is pervasive in... basically all areas with rating systems.

The "hate out of ten" being a prime example. Where, SOMEHOW: 8/10 means a game is shit, 9/10 means it's "tolerable", and 10/10 is "Eh, it's aight." And it's very... not how that's supposed to work. 5/10 is a solid score there. It's something average.

This can amusingly be seen a bit on many rating sites.

Where the "critic score" is WAY off compared to the "people's score".

And you can see like, stuff with 6/10 get praised for being "a solid movie". While on other sites, you can see "7/10. Utter fucking garbage.". Or, even more ironically: "10/10. REALLY badly optimized, crashes all the time, lacks major features and is barely functional."

Now: When it comes to art: Style IS subjective.

BUT: Quality and anatomy, IS objective.

We have quite a lot of examples on that. Like the infamous Captain America chest. Or AI hands.Or the very much memed "Reminder: The winner was based on VOTES.".

This is where we start running into the same issues as with tagging: Entitled and/or lazy people.

They draw something incorrectly and/or badly. And REFUSE to improve.

They then get lower rating, are offended,and start to report people. Since they aren't being given a free pass to be lazy.

For those going "It's an art style!". To paraphrase a Disney animator from ye olden days: "Unless you learn how to draw proper anatomy, you can't make it your style. As then you don't even know what you are changing in order to make it your own.".

I do come across this quite a lot. And: To use hands as the example in this. Say someone draws two left hands. Refuses to admit it. And just... keeps doing it. Maybe switches it up to two right hands at times. 4-7 fingers on each hand, never consistent. "Maybe it's their character?" you say? No. They say its not. They "Just forgot how many fingers" or whatever. In short: They have no excuse for why they keep messing up, besides "I cba to improve.".

So, these people just keep doing certain aspects in worse or terrible quality. And, whenever they are rated based on that poor quality: They get triggered. Report reviews, throw hissy fits, what have you. Some do take it in stride. But most seem to get ticked that they're not given a free ride. Since: They chose to be lazy on purpose. Why should they have to face the consequences of their actions?

Now: This is where there is a subjective divide.

As you have people that rate the median average. And people that rate based on the lowest denominator. 

For example: Say that someone messed up a movie's audio. And it's just... 24/7 CONSTANT nails on chalkboard. The ENTIRE audio is corrupted and just screeches non-stop. BUT: The movie itself looks stunning.

Ofc, we'd have the guys that go "10/10, amazing, believe me." that just utterly ignore any and all mistakes from their fav artist.

But when we'd have the people that go "Well, the sound is garbage. But the visuals are great. So... 5/10." and lastly, you have the people that go: "1/10. The sound is inexcusable.".

And it's the last type, that clashes heavily with the spoiled brat artists.

As they 100 % think you SHOULD give them a free pass on that aspect being garbage. As they intentionally made it garbage, because they are too lazy to put effort into it.

These people amusingly pop up in quite a few cooking shows.

Like, they show a magnificent steak,souffle or whatever. And then just... the sides.

And well, they cry A LOT of wolf. Since how DARE the world not cater to them, and them alone?

And to be fair: This CAN look a bit suspect to the untrained eye. As why IS this artist continually getting bad scores from certain people? But high from others? And well: Context is hard, so... that one I can't blame too much on the untrained eye.

But it has spiked the last decade with people demanding you only rate them based on their good qualities. And well... that's not how that works... it can technically be changed into that. But I do hope we have more people that want a functional search and rating system, than we have that wants platitudes.



Posted by Kattlarv - July 21st, 2023

So, apparently you can now get in trouble if you don't refer to someone with blackface as a PoC.

... or if you express disapproval of blackface. And other similar situations.

I'm not sure if this is due to even worse algorithms. Or, just really, really shit admins.

Then again, with how twitter tried to make "cis" a slur... I'm not sure I'm all that surprised, really.

Especially with how many sites have a "You can't break any rules if you are famous/bribe the owners" type deal.

... Or when that one site made criminals a "protected class".

Though, the irony isn't lost on me that it's now considered racist to call blackface racist.


Posted by Kattlarv - December 20th, 2022

Also porn: So, there exist a total of ZERO porn comics or animations in the ENTIRE universe that features ANY IP girl that has the bare bones requirement of: "Has imposing genitals, is dominant, cums the mostest." for a generic cookie cutter comic.

BUT: There exist usually at least one animation or comic where basically every single IP girl is genderbent into a dude, and is thus now allowed to do and have ALL those things.

Pure coincidence as always. /S



Posted by Kattlarv - June 10th, 2022

Teen Titan observation: A dolphin vagina can break human bone.

Starfire's vagina has more muscles than a dolphin's.

Dog's have weaker bone than a human.

Beast Boy has a preference for dogs.

Dogs have a bone in their penis. (and vulva)


This has been my Ted talk.


Posted by Kattlarv - March 31st, 2022

Haven't really been here for several weeks.

But came back to notice someone threw a massive tantrum over me calling out his obsession over hyper dicks and loli vags. And like... if you don't want people to know you're obsessed with massive, throbbing dongs and prepubescent puss... maybe don't fill your entire gallery with them? Or gush about them?

Lots of people really can't handle when stuff aren't sugar coated for them.


Posted by Kattlarv - October 26th, 2021

Come across this term, and found it hilarious xP

In short: It's when a dude (basically always a dude at least) has a cumshot/creampie that defies all physics.

Like: Cowgirl creampie that shoots out, splatters across his abdomen at 295 MPH, BUT: Also flies up, does a loop de loop and lands on her tits.

And yeah, massive, over the top sploodge is the bread and butter in porn.

But, it does get kinda stupid when people use something like "It wouldn't be able to show in this artstyle!" (pixel) or "It wouldn't be realistic!" as excuses for ex: Not including visible cumshots for female characters. (Or pussies in many cases as well.) Yet... said game does have the explosive diarrhea cumshots for all male characters... xP Like, realism was truly atop the list of priorities xD

And as mentioned before: If someone doesn't wanna do something: Just admit to it, and be open about it.

I really don't get why so many people lie about that stuff... outside of trying to "look better".



Posted by Kattlarv - September 23rd, 2021

Doing a briefer rundown on this again, as it's still one of the biggest struggles for people on here... and well, ALL sites that allow porn, really.

Right, so: Tagging.

Tags are what are used to allow people to search for specific content they are after.

Today, I'll go over probably THE most common one that people fuck up: Futa.

Short for futanari, and it has several synonyms.

Now: A futa is NOT a female. A futa is a futa.

That's why they have a separate, unique tag.

Should be pretty simple. Yet, people can't figure it out.

In tandem with this: People VERY often incorrectly tag two futa, or futa with a girl as "lesbian".

Lesbian is specifically "girl on girl". Again: A futa is not a girl. A futa is a futa.

"But my futa identifies as a girl!"

Yes. They can do that. That is however confusing sex and gender.

Tags only care about one of those... unless you also tag with "transgender"...

But, if you look at the tags: If you start typing "futa", what are some of the auto-fill options?

  • Futanari
  • Futa-on-female
  • Futa-on-male

Why do you think we have a unique, specific tag for futa on female and male?

It's ALMOST as if its there so that people that want lesbian porn, and those that want futa on female porn... to be able to search for it, without getting clashing, overlapping results.

Similarly: DO NOT tag something unless it's actually in there an at least notable amount of times.

For example: If you have a porn game with 40 scenes. If ONE of the scenes is two girls kissing. Do NOT tag the game with "lesbian". While you technically can. This is just a dick move. I have seen MANY games that have a "lesbian" tag, and no "straight" tag, or "male-protagonist" tag. And, finding out those games have less than 5 % lesbian content... is just wasting everyone's time. Especially the guys actually LOOKING for a ex: male demon trainer game or whatever. They'll take once glance at "lesbian" and no other tags and just go "Welp." and ignore the game. (This is a common occurrence on F95)

But now: You might point out that: "Hentaifoundry/E621/Derpibooru allows futa to be tagged as lesbian!".

And yes. Short answer: Users are fucking dumbasses that never read the site rules.

What about the admins? Short answer: Useless fucking tools that never read the site rules. (Also easily bribed)

Especially in HF's case. It's in their fucking "How to upload" rules you check the "I agree" box for when signing up. It SPECIFICALLY states that you agree to NOT tag futa+female as lesbian.

Though as said: Deadbeat admins+mods. To quote: "I don't need to know the rules. I AM THE LAW!"

Trailing off aside: Tagging isn't rocket science.

It's mostly just common courtesy to tag. It helps people find what they are looking for.

And, it prevents people finding something they're not looking for. Removing the "need" for the "This sucks, 0 stars!" reviews when someone came across something that lied to them.

Like, just let me make an example.

If you see the title "Hyper Futa Daisy X Peach Hardcore Anal". That seems like a VERY obvious title for what would be in that post. But now: Using the "tagging logic" most people that tag incorrectly use: This post can be Peach and Daisy scissoring. With two pussies. 0 dick. Oh and: One of the pussies are hyper.

And you might ask: "Where is the futa?" and I could reply: "Oh, Daisy identifies as a futa."

And then: "Where's the anal?" and I can go: "Well, their buttcheeks are touching. Thus: Anal."

Now: That would piss off a lot of people.

I could do the exact same thing with what appears to be two big, burly men.

Or "Ganondorf Rapes Zelda." and I slap a horsecunt on Ganondorf.

People would NOT like that. It's not what people "expect".

Yet: People mess this up ALL the time when it comes to specifically "lesbian" and "futa".

I mean, jebus: We're at a point where people see a "lesbian" game. And get SHOCKED and APPALED when said game doesn't ... contain men? Like, that's how bad people are at tagging. As: Quite a lot of guys think "lesbian" in a porn game just means "straight threesome".

Anyhow: I guess that wraps things up.

In short: Please work on tagging correctly. It makes it a better experience for all.



Posted by Kattlarv - September 3rd, 2021

This is an issue I see a lot. And not just with butthurt fanbois whining at me.

They swarm anyone that rates lower than 4* on any of the "popular kidz" content.

Sarcasm aside. Let me break this down.

Generally, the "argument" is that "Look how GOOD they are at drawing X!".

To which: And?

That's 100 % irrelevant. They are drawing Y in this picture.

To point out the stupidity in this "argument", this is basically pulling a "Why did you fail my son in math?! Don't you see how GOOD he is at geography?!"

Primarily in porn, this usually boils down to an artist being incompetent at female genitalia.

That's like, the go to "be useless at" pick. Hands and feet are somewhat close contenders though.

This is however also the ONLY body part in porn that the interwebs has deemed okay to be useless at.

As, you know... we don't have a single artist that draws copy paste, simplified prepubescent penises on EVERYTHING. And even if we did: They wouldn't be allowed to get away with claiming "It's my art style".

I've seen 3 websites ban people for not being able to draw horsedick "correctly". So yeah: No. It's somehow only pussy that people can get away with being completely inept at.

Trailing off aside: I do not care if someone is famous.

If they fail: They fail.

They have even LESS business failing than a unknown artist.

If I see someone new with like, 60 followers mess up. I inform them of the mess up. No fuss.

But when Mr Bigshot strolls in with 40k followers and doesn't even know what the fuck a perineum is... then yeah. I WILL tear them a new asshole. As they should have learned that 10 years ago.

I can't stress this enough: I. do. not. care. That they are SUPER good at drawing triple-tipped, knotted demon horse dicks. Or that they can draw over 100 types of dicks in a 4K, HD photo realistic style.

This current picture is of a girl. They made a sad excuse of a pussy. And their only reason for this is "Lol, I'm too lazy to learn how to draw them properly!".

Yeah, no.

No free pass. They got a shit rating, cuz they did a shit job.

It's THAT simple. They'd get the SAME rating if they did the dick just as badly.

I do not care how many followers they have. If they do a bad job. They did a bad job.

The fact 20000 people REALLY likes how they draw dicks, doesn't affect the fact that they drew the cunt incorrectly.

If a movie or game for example gets 10/10 in ALL but ex: Sound. Where it gets a 0/10.

The final score won't be 10/10, funnily enough.

Also, yes: To quickly address it. I do not rate with the median average when it comes to repeat offenders. Or the "top tier" artists. I simply have it so that: The final score cannot be higher than the lowest score.

As: That is primarily how these artist rate content. Along with how all their fans rate content. Except I include pussies into this calculation. Not exclusively penises.

To touch on a few examples: (And, to break down why "Actions speak louder than words". Unless someone can back up their claim. Their claim is useless. Especially when it contradicts their actions. Granted, benign stuff rarely requires evidence, unless something challenges that claim. Ie the classic "The more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary evidence is needed.". So: If they say they have a pet cat. You can prolly trust them. But, if they say they got a pet giraffe...)

1: A guy that lies about being a "lesbian artist". (As in: An artist that draws lesbians. Not a lesbian that is an artist.)

Like, 80 % of his content is exclusively male animal, female human beastiality. Or "Dude with a hyper dick, raping a woman". They do got quite a few female pinups. BUT: They ONLY know how to draw ONE female body type+pussy.

But they can draw HUNDREDS of males and penises.

He is just, completely useless at drawing lesbians at varied females.

His fans argues that "I can't judge him on that." since "LOOK at how AMAZING he is at drawing dicks!".

Now: That MIGHT have held some value if not for the, you know: Him being a self-proclaimed "professional lesbian artist"... that can't properly draw lesbians... or girls... but he is an EXPERT at drawing males so... that should give him a free pass? Context does matter.

2: A guy that made a HUGE deal about how "every single penis is unique and hand drawn!" in one of their biggest animations. Now: They couldn't come up with a SINGLE female monster for this since "Girls are hard...". Which: Fair enough. Lame excuse. But, it's porn... it doesn't even need an excuse to exclude a certain gender.

Now, where the issue here crops up is: The main female character didn't have a uniquely designed pussy... (Which on a side note: Is VERY common in porn games. Many even forget to create one. Or use a placeholder as the final design.) Which to me: Clashed heavily with the whole "Every single one is unique" bragging narrative. Like, you could put ALL that effort into making every single make unique... but couldn't bother spending more than a minute on the main girl that was gonna be in every single scene? (Again: VERY common for porn games xD)

The final strike however, was when the "obligatory other girl" showed up. (Cuz she was in the series this was based on.) And he fucking copy pasted the main girls pussy onto the ONLY other girl.

That amount of lazy is inexcusable to me. And then: Like his flop of an attempt of a lesbian animation... he just has the other girl fucked by the random males since again: "Girls hard :<" and the cherry on top was the sad squirt attempt. Which, for someone who prides himself on doing cumshots...

3: A guy that made a game about a "time travelling lesbian out to save her lesbian girlfriend".

And the game contains 0 unique pussy models. (But dozens of unique males+dicks) 0 female minigames. (But 10+ male ones) And out of 200+ scenes. It contains ~4 % lesbian content. And it's riddled with lies and false advertisement.

Like: I don't give a FUCK about "how amazing the scene about the gay man with a GIANT DICK is.".

The girl on girl content is crap. Only TWO scene are even finished. (Up from ONE a year ago.)

And I'm using "finished", as every. single. male. scene. has a climax. (Narrative story scenes obviously get a pass. But talking about sex scenes.)

It gets a crap rating, because it's a crap lesbian game. Which is what it advertises itself as.

Heck, even IF it advertised itself as a game where you control a female PC, but change into a male MC for the majority of sex scenes. And that it's a maledom, female abuse game... I'd STILL rate it badly due to how awful the lesbian scenes are. (Or like that other game that claimed to have lesbian content... but didn't release a single scene for 3-4 years... then launched the sequel to that game... while still having 0 lesbians in the first game... but claiming it DID have lesbians... and it also never finished the female models because the artist was too lazy to do so... But hey: If sticking a dick through skin works for lazy 3D animators! /S) Granted: I wouldn't rate it AS badly. But we are talking going from 1/5 to 2/5. As: If you cannot deliver something. Don't promise it. It's that simple.

Well, to wrap this up: I do not think being lazy or incompetent should grant someone a free pass. Not even if famous.

Especially not simply because "they are not completely awful with this other thing!".

To make a bad Iron Chef comparison: If a guy walks in with a perfectly sauteed dish... and a slab or RAW chicken on the side. Do you think Gordon would just go "Well... it IS raw. But... have you SEEN the craftmanship on the sautéing?"?

I'm no Gordon. But I don't let that shit slide either. If someone wants credit for the work: DO THE WORK. Not point at something else and go "But, but! I did this OTHER work really well!". They're NOT getting 5 stars just because they draw 5 star dicks. They get what they deserve. They wouldn't get 5 stars if the dick looked as bad as the pussy. So, why should they get a special exception?

And to be clear: If someone uses a blurred picture as a background instead of drawing one: That's often fine. As said: Context matters. But when they come in here trying to use PS5 dick graphics with a N64 pussy: Get outa here!

And as it bears repeating: A preference is NOT an art style. It's a preference. Generally to be lazy.

In order to make it an art style, to quote a Disney animator: "In order to make something your style. You MUST understand the anatomy of it. So you know what you change in order to make it yours.". A LACK of anatomy, is quite the opposite of that. Never learning how to do it, doesn't count. Nor does mismatching styles.

I know fans will keep being butthurt that their senpai isn't being given special treatment.

But I'm beyond caring. I give artists the same respect they treat others with. If that's not enough for some people: How about they go tell the artist to shape up instead of being angy at the critics for hurting their feewings? /S

And yes: I AM aware some of my reviews are unfair. Even by my own standards. But those are done on days where I've run into the same shit over and over and over and over again. I know that isn't a good enough reason. But hey: We're only human. And I do try to rectify those reviews within a week.
