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    Kattlarv's News

    Posted by Kattlarv - August 24th, 2021

    In short: The level of dumb fucks have increased since last week.

    Nothing surprising, considering this is the internet.

    But, just to make a short ted talk about it:

    I keep seeing people throw a tantrum and run away crying when they are proven to be objectively wrong. And has a hissy fit because their feewings got hurt. Then crawls back to their bubble and has their bumbassery reinforced. (And to be clear: I do NOT refer to "disagreements". I refer to, to use a recent example for when this was posted: When some dumbass claims they own a game company. And are quite heavily disproven and rightfully ridiculed of that claim. And yes, we have plenty of people that do stuff like that to troll. But, at this day and age: It's hard to tell a troll from a moron. Sometimes, they are both.)

    To cover the basics:

    1: Tags mean things. If someone to use a simple example:

    Tags a cat as "dog". That actually doesn't make it a dog. Despite apparently popular belief.

    It's still a cat. Even if someone claim the cat "identifies as a dog". Or: The artist considers cats to be dogs.

    Doesn't fucking matter. It's still a dog.

    It should still be tagged as "dog". The creator CAN however refer to it as a cat all they want. But tags and descriptions are static for a reason.They have pre-determined meanings for a reason. So people can find the content they are after. Ie: Searching for "dog pics" and: Finding dog pics. NOT several dozen cat picks tagged incorrectly.

    2: Changing the wording, doesn't change the tags. Nor does using the literal definition of the word to describe it instead of using the word... (Hi EA and your "surprise mechanics".)

    For example: Claiming "It's not rape! It's non-con sex!" or "It's not rape! It's just forcing someone to have sex against their will!". It's still rape. Calling it something else, doesn't change what it is.

    So yeah. It's not "Just my opinion".

    They're just wrong. Flat out. Period.

    Being incorrect is NOT an opinion.

    Just like how being lazy isn't an "art style".

    It's a preference, yes. But it's still being lazy.

    Akin to how being inept also isn't an "art style". Being unable to do something, is quite literally a lack of something.



    Posted by Kattlarv - August 20th, 2021

    Always makes me deadpan whenever someone throws a hissy fit because I hurt their feelings.

    And they come with their trump card: Run off bawling.

    Like, wow... sending me a PM telling me that I made you cry, and how rude it is to be harsh to people that refuse to improve, are too lazy to do things correctly. Or simply: Leave a snippy review to someone that has done the same mistake 10 times in a row.

    Yes. I am aware I am often too harsh on repeat offenders.

    But they are quite far past the point of giving a fuck.

    So yeah, sometimes it's just beating an entitled, dead horse.

    But sometimes I'm surprised with an improvement when someone shows up on the front page again.

    Sure, it's always more enjoyable to review people who don't have their head up their ass. As, there's no real need to be as crass. But it's equally pointless to let those other people get a free pass.

    Letting people get away with shit and getting complacent is how macrotransactions are as bad as they are today.

    Like, no: Just because you are doing in wrong/haphazard on purpose doesn't excuse it.

    Heck, if I make a cringe pun or use heavy sarcasm: I don't expect people to conform with not calling it out for being what it is. Like, when I make fun of a porn caricature/archetype. People sure as heck can critique that I picked low hanging fruit. I'm not demanding bardic immunity because I picked an easy target on purpose.

    That's not how the internet works.

    It is true you should avoid being a dick for the sake of being a dick.

    But with some: That's the only communication they understand... granted: Debating if it's worth to communicate with said people is a separate question.

    At the end of the day: I can say: The people that specifically, on purpose: Keep falsely advertising and tagging their shit incorrectly: I will keep snarking on that. There's an easy solution to that: Stop doing it.

    It's not our job to put up with content that misleads people, nor make excuses for those that fail at it.

    Especially as I know those same people lose their shit if they come across something wrongly labelled.

    Lastly: If you are wrong. You are wrong.

    That is NOT "an opinion". It's being factually wrong.

    If your personal viewpoint differs from the established consensus of the internet... that's being wrong. Not a personal opinion or "style". Such as: The widely accepted definition of a tag.



    Posted by Kattlarv - May 5th, 2021

    Just made a bet with a friend for fun. Considering I've been spot on in the past.

    So, just posting here for evidence and slight amusement :P

    I will be trying to estimate what will be in these animations.

    Do note: These will be HEAVILY drenched in sarcasm and satire.

    The Owl House: (Extremely likely to win)

    Small chance that Luz starts out as a dude.

    More likely intro: Amity and Luz are doing stuff. One of them whips out a "genderbend spell".

    Luz goes from loli vag into a hyper penis. Upon seeing this magnificent, MASSIVE cock and facing its superiority, Amity realizes the error in her ways and is immediately cured of her lesbianism. As she realizes that you need a dick to have sex.

    And she begins to slobber all over Luz's hyper dick. Luz will most likely have a hyper human dong. But, slight chance he has an animal dick simply "because".


    Slight chance Luz blows his first bukkake load here. But most likely saved to the end for a double creampie+cumshot combo.

    Probable chance that Amity summons an abomination so they can spitroast Amity. Since there is a recurring trend of needing more cock.

    Then cue some more fucking before the finale that is cum inflation and bukkake. Luz has a orgasm montage where he cums everywhere.

    Amity is completely neglected and left hanging. As: Being an inferior female, she does not have permission to cum. But she will praise Luz's skills in being a selfish douche and only getting himself off. As is state mandated.

    Amity's loli vag will just... be there. And either leaking cum, or her mouth will.

    Luz will then whip out a spell to do something with his dick.

    Amphibia: (Less likely to win.)

    In case it would win, due to the history of the artist being unable to do solo female content: We have two outcomes.

    1: Anne magically turns into a dude and starts waving his dick around. Likely against the other two humans. But we do have some female frogs too. (Possible, they have lied before.)

    2: Anne gets high on shrooms, and start blowing a ton of different species of penises. Alternatively: The shrooms she gets high on ARE the penises. So she gets higher the more dick she sucks. Potentially leading to her turning into a dude.


    Posted by Kattlarv - January 5th, 2021

    I was somewhat recently browsing some on a review forum, and a shitstorm hit over a just... horribly handled 18+ indie game that fucked up so bad they deleted it from their patreon.

    And you know; it will never cease to amuse me when some arrogant snob or their triggered white knights come to throw a tantrum when something like that happens. To avoid any "name and shame, I waited to comment on this. And won't name the game. Since hey: We don't need more drama after 2020.

    But to boil it down: It was falsely advertised and all the usual stuff.

    And they bragged super hard about having a certain artist. Except: This artist was notorious for being shit at drawing women. And it was a game... about women.

    And people that weren't tearing into the game for the abysmal quality; were rabid fanbois trying to defend it. By citing stuff like: "It's not fair to complain about the shoddy girl models! Have you SEEN how detailed his horse penises are?!" like... how the flying fuck is that even remotely relevant?

    If they are hired to draw girls... and can't draw girls... why does the fact they draw AMAZING males have anything to do with anything? I never got the mindset of "You HAVE to excuse that [artist] can't draw X for shit. Because they are VERY good at drawing Y!".

    It's basically one of the only professions where people demand a free pass.

    Like: If a top chef didn't know how to boil water or knead dough: they'd be laughed out of here.

    Yet, we got "top tier artists" that gloats about having draw pron for 10+ years and... still draws the pussy upside down, on the stomach. Or: Still only knows how to draw ½ a vag, while eagerly showing their dick collage.

    I've like... seen ONE furry artist that charged ~40 % less for his females, cuz he couldn't draw them for shit. So: He charged less since he spent far less hours on them due to being unable to draw a pussy. Yet, many artists are out here all "I spend 3 hours on a female, and I can't offer you shit. You can't choose any variation. And 7 hours on a male, and you can pick ANYTHING you want. I'll learn to draw it for you! Same price.".

    And people find that completely rational.

    Yet: Try to pull that shit in reverse... xD

    People instantly drop an artist over that.

    It's honestly a really stupid double standard... and also a lack of standards.

    Still reminds me of the guy I saw on NG a few years back that had no clue wtf a perineum was. Had it EXPLAINED to him in simple terms with references. And... 4+ years later: He still fucks them up. Yet, he learned how to correct his upside down dicks in a day after that mistake. /S.

    Like, sheesh: Stop demanding participation trophies for doing the bare minimum. Or sometimes: Failing at even that...

    The fact someone is shit at doing female genitalia, doesn't change just because they are great at male genitalia.

    And a small disclaimer to my haters since people repeatedly are missing it:

    1: Most posts on my NG account are commissions. So, check if its one of my animations, OR if it's a commission before throwing a hissy fit, and ranting about how your senpai has a bigger dick than me. So, yeah: BEFORE crying about how my style is terrible. Make sure it's actually mine.

    2: I judge each artist on their own merit. And on their OWN standards. Some people have asked me, confused about why I rated this "worse" art higher than this "clearly better" art. Simple: It's consistently better. A simplified 2 minute pussy, paired with a simplified 2 minute penis IS going to get a better score than a simplified 2 minute penis paired with a 4 hour, HD dick. Primarily due to the second simple rule: The artists own standard. If they would find a simplified 2 min dick to be UNACCEPTABLE to be paired with a HD, 4 hour pussy... then why the fuck would I apply special pleading to them?

    3: Just because I can't draw/animate better than someone. Doesn't mean I can't point out their fuck ups. If someone draws two left hands. They drew two left hands. No amount of bawling how they draw better anime eyes than me will change that.



    Posted by Kattlarv - December 9th, 2020

    Welp. I got around to compile a VERY wall of text history/timeline of wtf I've been doing online for the past ~12 years or so. Mostly since people can't seem to stop lying about the shit I do. But partially also out of boredom.

    Yeah, some of what people say is true. But most is just skirting the truth or deception in order to protect criminals, or people that just wanna be lazy. (sometimes both.)

    I didn't format it very well, but eh. If anyone is interested, there it is.




    Posted by Kattlarv - June 18th, 2020

    Seriously, I keep running into this more and more.

    And I literally have 0 clue WHY people do it.

    Like... I know many people are kinda thick as a brick.

    But we can literally have someone with the username... just trying to be sure this isn't an actual username, so: "I-Draw-Hyper-Dogdicks-On-Anime-girls".

    And: This person can draw a one anime girl slapping another in the face with said hyper dog dick, and a third one saying "That is KNOT very nice!". They then call this "the edit". A spur of the moment picture they decided to "uncharacteristically" do an edit to.

    And then post the "original" which has the dick layer hidden. So... you have a character hit in the face by... nothing. Another character with their pants down and... a Ken doll crotch. And a third character citing the "That is KNOT very nice!" line. NONE of this makes ANY fucking sense without the "edit".

    And people believe that shit. They just, straight up: Face value that that shit is a random afterthought "edit" of the "original" they had drawn.

    I mean: Seriously... wtf is up with some people?

    It's kinda on the same level of worthless as a large chunk of porn games that claim to have a female PC or lesbian scenes... Like: Sure buddy. You just happen to be 2 years into development with 50 scenes, and 0 of them happen to be lesbian/with the female PC.



    Posted by Kattlarv - April 14th, 2020

    Had a recent run in that reminded me of this bs, and how it's still a thing...

    To cut it down to size: It refers to when people decide to support someone, regardless of what said person has done. Simply because: They are good at drawing penises.

    Like, literally everything else is irrelevant.

    And not just talking about people that are utterly inept at drawing ex: females, that are somehow invited to an art folio... about drawing females. I mean, we're talking "So, what do you draw? - Gay men having anal sex. - Oh man! You'd be PERFECT for this lesbian art folio I'm making!" (Which is their own kind of special.)

    But we're mostly talking about the people, that was exposed as doing shady shit... yet still get support.

    Like for example:

    • Scammed the people behind their crowd funded projects. Running away with $1000+. And... no-one cared they got defrauded, and kept supporting them.
    • Was convicted of [stuff involving minors] and sentenced... people gave 0 fucks, since "well, they DO still draw nice dicks!" and acted like nothing happened.
    • Was exposed for having done [redacted] their dog. Same story. "Yes, but: They DO draw nice dicks."
    • It came to light they were extremely... let's leave it at "discriminatory". With people defending their right to discriminate. But also how it ONLY applied if you didn't do it towards penises.
    • Not having updated their patreon for over a year. (And not like, abandoned. But telling their fans they are too lazy to do anything, and calling them suckers for still giving them money.)

    That's just a sample size of different, despicable people. But it's like... what would any of these artists have to do, for these people to drop their support? I mean, honestly: I feel we're at a point where they could get away with murder, and still get undivided love and support from their fans. Simply because they draw high quality dongs.

    This has been my Ted talk.



    Posted by Kattlarv - February 16th, 2020

    I've created a survey to gauge the interest better: ​Link

    As currently, getting a bit mixed signals of what type of game people are after with this theme.


    Posted by Kattlarv - January 14th, 2020

    So, instead of rant about some criminal: Today I thought I'd do something more constructive. While being sleep deprived :D

    Having been a critic for over a decade, I've picked up on a lot of things... mostly that the majority people can't tag for shit, and ratings have gone down the drain. Both online on sites like this, and actual review sites.

    For example: A game being considered "bad" if it gets 8/10.

    So, that said: I thought I'd go over how rating is "supposed" to work.

    While I am a veteran critic, I am by no means an expert. Angles for example are still my nemesis xP

    That aside, yes it will be a bit biased. But mostly objective.

    So, to get started:

    0 stars. This is for shitposts, illegal shit or something where someone fucked up SO HARD on something, that it just ruins the entire project to such a degree it should be pulled down and fixed before being re-uploaded. (Recent game culture anyone?

    0,5 stars. A bit similar to above. But instead of "you should be thrown out of the establishment" its more "go sit in that corner, shut up. and think about what you have done." A lot of intentional cringe can end up here. You can try to cover everything that was wrong, or just focus on what jarred you the most.

    1 stars. It's when something is pretty bad. But it's not all over the floor yet. Try to focus on the main issue if you leave feedback. It's generally better to try and narrow it down. As fixing everything at once can mess it up more.

    1,5 stars. Is more on the "eh..." area. Like, it's either not quite there. Or, it could be good, if X was fixed. As before: Depending on the issues, either point out the biggest one, or briefly all of them. This can generally be done as this rating shouldn't have too many.

    2 stars. This (and above to a degree) is kinda where the "B-movies" would be. Not quite good. But can suffice if popcorn is present. Can usually be improve with minor tweaks or "trying a little harder."

    2,5 stars. This is when something is just "good". It's completely average. You wouldn't mind consuming it. But nothing you go out of your way for. Generally thoughts or suggestions can be put here.

    3 stars. This is when something IS good. It perks more interest than something standard. It stands out in some way.

    3,5 stars. Similar to above, but its doing it even more. Starting to reach recognizable status. This is where the "Nice..." kicks in.

    4 stars. Now shit starts to get real. Things are really picking up here. Any error at this level has to be extremely minor. Or due to personal preference.

    4,5 stars. This is almost close to perfect. It's chef kiss good. It's incredibly hard to improve from here. Or needs to be personal preference to kick it over the edge.

    5 stars. This is when it CANNOT be improved in ANY way. It has NO visible mistakes, errors or the like. (at most if you fine comb it) It cannot be "This game is PERFECT!" *two weeks later* "Oh god, yes! They fixed that one bug. It was sooo annoying.", to get here, that bug CAN'T be here to begin with. It would have launched without it. If you doubt a thing for a second, go for 4,5. (bit exaggerated perhaps xP But: This is meant to be the peak of achievement. Like: You can't like something more than this. So: No change should be able to make you love it more... unless its something you didn't know you liked xP)

    To add a few variables:

    Some people ask me to rate them "lowest score". This is very simple. Say you have ex: Sound 5, Graphics 5, Story 5 and Game-play 1. Instead of the standard rating of "5+5+5+1÷4", the score simply caps at 1. Harsh? Yes. But if someone keeps fucking up at X, it might be necessary.

    ALWAYS judge an artist by their own standards and skill. For example: A 4 for one artist could be a 2 for another. Or even 5 to 1. For example: If a professional artist for 20 years draws two left hands and ex: place a vag right below the navel... they should know better. (assuming its done on a character not supposed to have that for whatever reason. And that this was a "serious" attempt.) Or: If they copy paste or rush a 4 hour job, to a 30 second scribble. Like, that shit ain't acceptable on that level. Whereas someone that picked up drawing a few months ago, if they misplace the perineum, that's not a world ending thing. Laziness/incompetence isn't a valid excuse in most cases. Especially if they have a decade or more of experience.

    Docking points: You can dock points for X. But, generally tell if you do so. Like "I remove 0,5 because X" (like, incorrect tagging. Or messing a thing up. I generally don't recommend this, as it can be very blackmaily. (Same for the below "Unsure" suggestion, which is why: hide the score on those.) This is mostly suggested to be used on repeat offenders. Like: Dozens of failures to tag. Or constantly posting incorrect info.

    Unsure: If you are unsure on a thing. Like: Say you are playing "early access", as is most games on here. Rate it according to your doubts, BUT: Hide your score. AND: Ask about your doubt. To make an example: Say you find a 18+ RPG about a lesbian antrho canine or whatever. But the current alpha only has straight scenes. And say, you want to rate if 4 stars if it will add them. But 1 star if it doesn't since "then why make a huge deal about X being gay?". Go with 2,5 and hide it. Then wait for a reply. Then simply un-hide and adjust your score based on the reply.

    And in case anyone is curious: Yes. I DO rate my own stuff after this.

    Most is around 2-3.

    The current culture of "0 or 5" is just really blargh. It would be nice if we could have more representative scores and accurate tags for that matter.



    Posted by Kattlarv - December 2nd, 2019

    Let me help break this down a bit.

    There are very good reasons, most objective, to why I don't consider laziness or incompetence to be an adequate excuse in art. At least not when charging money for a service, said artist is unable to provide.

    1: Imagine you are paying for an art piece. Say you are promised 10 hours of work.

    You get 6. Because "Well, you asked for a female." whereas the guy that asked for a male gets 14.

    You both paid the exact same amount.

    2: Now, imagine in the price, you are promised "any species, any gender". You have free reign to pick ANYTHING you want. Except: If you ask for female. That's it. Choices over. You're getting a prepubescent human, end of discussion.

    But as said: If you ask for a male. You can pick whatever the fuck you want. Even a double rainbow sparkledog dick.

    3: If you have any objections to this, you are berated by everyone for being "picky" and a "whiner". Simply for remotely wanting the service you PAID for. Imagine doing this in ANY other profession.

    Or better yet: IN this profession. We all know that if someone refused to draw specific penises and short-changed anyone that got a male from them, they'd be fucking found dead within a week.

    4: So in short: People that cannot provide a proper, matching pussy are: Failing to deliver on a service they are charging for. REFUSING to learn how to do it correctly. All while bragging how good at it they are.

    To be clear: People that offer a discount on the females are okay in my book. As: They charge accordingly. If someone is incapable of doing something to an acceptable level: Knock it off. No-one (sensible) would pay for a service someone can't handle, just because they are good at another service.

    5: They are providing an objectively worse service. There's no way around this.

    Yes: Some people MAY prefer shittier service. Like: Someone CAN prefer to eat a plain McFeast without the burger, just the buns. But they will be paying the same for someone that got some actual meat and effort put into their product.

    At the end of the day: We still have someone that can't offer ANYTHING if you ask for a female. And refuse to lift a finger to provide a good service. But will bend over backwards to give you anything you want if you ask for a male.

    It's just a lazy hack that charges the same for ex: A broken Playstation 1 as for a custom made PlayStation 4 because "They're both a Playstation, same thing.". It's not complicated. It's black and white. One is less, the other is more.

    Again: It's not helped in that it's socially acceptable in the R34 community to be useless at drawing vag. But if someone be that bad at drawing dick, and/or only offered pre-teen human pensies... well, as said: They wouldn't last long. That's a demanded requirement to be able to deliver~

