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Kattlarv's News

Posted by Kattlarv - October 21st, 2019

While I am on a roll. 

Let's talk about an objective fact: A LOT of artists, try to get a free pass on being inept. Primarily: Only on female genital anatomy. 

To explain it plainly: (and: do it how MOST artists operate) Say you just for example: You want a ref sheet for your twin doggos. One male, one female. And, just for example: Say it will cost 80 per sheet. Seems fine so far.

Now, for both characters, you will get back, side and front view, all that standard stuff. So lets skip past that. Now: We come to the genitalia. The male can pick ANY dick design you desire. Horse? Dog? Dragon? 11 dicks? Hyper? Anything goes. They have a folder of 109 different dicks they've drawn. If they can't draw it, they WILL learn. Bending over backwards to get you just what you want. Great. You will get: flaccid, erect, side view. All and all, they will put around 4-8 additional hours.

Then we get to your female char. They ask about the front, side back all that shiz. And then... you get the "finished" product. No asking about vag or anything. You just get the same char, except without genital refs and with a " | " hastily slapped between the legs. And now, for a partial piss take, and some comedy, I will paraphrase an exchange: "This looks great but, you never asked me about their junk? - Oh! I'm so sorry, did they also have a dick? - ...no? - Oh, then what's the problem? Their pussy is right there. - That's not how it looks though. - What do you mean? There's one pussy. - No, theirs look canine, to match their brother. They are the same species after all." and I'll just skip the rant about how "it's zoophilia!" and "it's their preference/style!" or my personal favorite: "I heard what you said you wanted, but I thought I'd improve it. It looks better this way."

So, in short TL-DR: STOP charging for a service you can't provide.

If you spend hours extra on dicks, and can't draw a SINGLE flipping pussy. Don't charge the same for them. If you can't offer or provide ANYTHING. Don't charge as if you can. Either charge more for males, or less for females. 

It's not rocket science. Since that's EXACTLY what people demand if you can't draw their dicks properly. Or: They simply refuse to do business all together. But that's not "allowed" to do in case someone can't draw proper cunts.Then that person is just being "rude" or "picky".

Please stop with this "Any species, any gender" bullshit YCH if you aren't willing or able to draw it. The shitty "I never said any species OF any gender." excuse was old 30 years ago. Either advertise honestly, or admit to being unable to draw pussy for shit. Yes, it can be your "choice" to be worthless at drawing them. But that doesn't give a free pass. All that says is that you choose to be crap at it.That's nothing to be proud of. And this is a fact, since: The fandom happily bullied and laughed at people that drew equines, that didn't learn how to draw horse dick. Then, suddenly the "it's my preference" apologetics wasn't good enough.It was in fact: Unacceptable.

While I'm not allowed to call anyone out: A certain convicted criminal, that's a pathological lair and enjoys discriminating towards females is a big fan of ALL of this bs.

On the flip side: There IS a really good artist that handles this correctly on FA. I won't name numbers since then they are easy to pick out. But I CAN say that they charge around 25 % less for their females. Simply because: They cannot draw pussy on par with their penises. They barely know one design, and they are aware off, and admit that. And thus: Charge accordingly. 

It'd be lovely if we stop normalizing this. And stop paying more for less, just because a character doesn't have a dick, and the artist is too lazy to improve. (One certain lazy hack animator ACTUALLY charges more for their females, despite being unable to provide acceptable detail. To quote one of my favorite burns towards them: "I have to admit that this pussy looks like someone accidentally slipped with his stylus pen on that area and forgot to erase it." and they, just for example: Charge $100 for male or female. BUT: They ONLY take commissions in pairs. (IE: minimum 1 male 1 female.) And what they do is: charge 70 for the male, and 130 for the female. But: They have people split the bill. This is because to quote "I don't want people to have to pay more just because they get a better service." so, instead they... make someone else cover the extra costs. Isn't that generous of them? Who wouldn't want to pay $30 extra to cover the cost of someone else's commission?) 

To be clear: I'm not asking for a 1:1 ratio here. As ALWAYS and like I've ALWAYS argued for: It should only be "close enough". And it should be by the artists own standards.Like I've always judged art. By their OWN standard. If the artist considers X to be unacceptable, I don't let them get away with doing the Y counterpart.

But, for example: Say it takes an artist 4 hours to draw a dick. If it takes them 30 seconds to draw a pussy... then no. That's not okay. Since, simple: NO-ONE would be okay with paying the same for a 4 hour pussy, as for a 30 second dick.If people aren't okay with X and refuse to feel cheated. Then no-one that gets the counterpart should have to accept it "just because". If the norm doesn't have to accept bullshit and bitch and moan when something exclusively directly negatively affects them, then we have the same rights. 

However: If they take 4 hours with that dick, but 3,5 hours with the pussy... or heck, even 2 hours in some cases: Then: Sure. It's close enough within margin, as long as it looks remotely similar. 

But asking people to pay the same for being allowed to pick basically ANYTHING versus being allowed NOTHING, no choices, no effort. Just a shoddy excuse for a vulva. Just: No. NONE of their customers would accept that if the roles were reversed. And it's been proven time and time again that the snide "nobody cares" remarks are just fake. Those exact same people are the ones throwing tantrums when the things they claim "nobody cares about" aren't exactly to their liking. (Like: Saying nobody cares if a horse has a human genitalia. We added a human dick to a horse. And those guys screeched for months about it. Clearly a sign of how little they care. In fact: They cared so little they only bawled multiple times per week about it.)

Porn could honestly do a bit more with the golden rule...

Like honestly: Just don't be a hypocrite. It's not fucking hard.



Posted by Kattlarv - October 21st, 2019

While I am aware that a huge chunk of people despise facts, the truth and/or irrefutable evidence in case it hurts their feelings: Here we go again.

For no particular reason, I just feel like covering the MLP fandom's absolutely abysmal statistics in this regard.

For this topic, let's cover the MLP art folios, and their 100 % fraud rate. (up until 2019. Where the FIRST honestly advertised folio was released. The content of said folio does make me laugh with irony, but that's another story.)

Now, just to clarify and set a few ground rules: This ONLY includes art folios that 1: Contain one or more "major" artist. ("Indie" folio's had several honest releases.) 2: The folio contains female characters. (Somehow most male only folios felt no need to blatantly lie about the content.)

With that out of the way, for some reason: If an art folio contained those two details, they were always fraudulent. For whatever reason. Be it false/misleading advertisement, it not containing what it promised or some other issue. Like: It being a lazily censored piece of shit. (and not being upfront about it) It didn't help that a majority of these folios had a fake email attached to it. To "handle" any complaints. It REALLY doesn't help with how most fans defend fraud as "just a business model", like the people that defend AAA game releases that straight up lie in advertisement as well.

Seriously though, on a side note: Why do SO many art folios and game projects pick the LEAST qualified artists? Like, at least a third of them have multiple artists that are basically only known for being able to draw dudes with hyper dicks. They can't draw females for shit. And then some 200IQ guy goes "Hey, lets make a folio with only female pin-ups!" is it even a surprise that the majority of folio reviews are along the lines of "Not as good as their usual work." or "Well... it could have been worse.".


When you have a bunch of artists that can offer a laundry list of offers, services and quality content for male characters... why in the flying fuck do you have them draw females when they can't even offer ONE variety or option? When they hand you a portfolio with 92 dicks and not a SINGLE pussy. What retard goes "Yupp, lets have them only draw vagoobers!" like, honestly? Especially in term of those artist that openly brag about how inept they are at female anatomy, and how they refuse to improve. I know fans in general are kinda dumb and have low standards, but this is really next level...

So, with all that said, lets go over some of the hall of shame. (In no super specific order.)

1: One of the first, if not the first art folio was a holiday themed hackjob. It promised 100 % pinups, but barely did around 40 % if I can recall. ATOP of this, the folio was heavily censored with rushed, no effort alternate version. (they just deleted the dick layer on the dudes, more or less. Slapping a lazy ~30 second ken doll action over it.) This was advertised as a "deluxe edition", despite that it just contained the ACTUAL artwork. Any refund request was straight up ignored with, to paraphrase: "Well... we already have your money so... sorry you didn't like being tricked, but either pre-order our next release or piss off."

2: A folio that advertised as containing "mare cunt" and "horse pussy". It did in fact: Contain 0 of this. As all the "artists" involved exclusively drew the "prepubescent porn vag". As all of them were too lazy to bother learning how to draw it properly. The poster picture for this was a feral pony, with censored junk. The actual folio was around, 90 % anthro. Now: Some could claim ignorance and say the artists are just stupid AF. And argue that "to them: it's just a horse, with a pussy." but yeah, no. We're not playing that game. Especially if you pick the poster to be the least representative of your folio as possible.

3: This one is the ONLY folio I have seen to get a backlash, AND the only folio that offered refunds. In short: It offered pre-orders for a "princess incest" theme. It then went "lol, just kidding. It's gonna be prince, hyper dick incest!" and... for whatever reason: People actually got upset on this, despite... we had at least 9 folios do this before and no-one gave a fuck. But, for whatever reason: For once, people got upset that they had been lied too. Artist did handle it well and offered refunds to anyone that no longer wanted in.

4: And perhaps one of the most notorious frauds, that had multiple "editions/sequels". (while not the only to do this, which is why it can be mentioned) With the one organizing it being a pathological liar. Because as we all know: convicted criminals that are also pathological liars are VERY trustworthy. Just look at how many followers he has! He MIGHT not be lying this time, despite only ever doing it every. single. time. in the past. Can't trust the person calling them out with a spotless record of never having been wrong. They MIGHT be using their "only having told the truth" for the past 4 years as a ruse to trick people this one time." since those are tooootally more common. Anyhow, I am ofc talking about the infamous "only females, NO MALES! 100 % pussy, not a SINGLE penis!" folios, that, ironically: the first folio had MORE dicks than pussy. And most of said pussy was censored. Great start. With the guy in charge lying about there not being any males, 4 times in a row, each time a new version was released. Despite irrefutable evidence. Playing the victim card for... being called out on his multiple lies. Atop that: Several artists involved didn't even know how to draw females, so they just drew more dick or as said: censored the vag. Because you know; that's what you want from a "100 % females" folio.

5: This one is short and mind boggling: A folio that advertised as having futa as it's ONLY selling point... didn't contain a single futa. Only shoddily censored females since the artist cba to draw them nude correctly. (And tbh: if you can't draw females properly... please stop adding the "obligatory female edit" to your dudes. All it is is you hiding the dick layer, and not replacing it with anything. At least put SOME effort into drawing something it its place if you now "need" a female edit.)

6: Actually a comic with a subscription model rather than a folio, but: It had a slow ass progression, and advertised as "saucy lesbian romance" comic. The, plot twist: Main character was secretly a dude with a hyper dick. Fuck you if you paid for a lesbian comic. This is now about a guy raping girls, or pounding other guys in the ass. I don't mind plot twists. But if you change the ENTIRE concept of a thing just to lie for a plot twist: At least DO NOT charge for it. (If anything charge after the twist. That way, you can get support from people without backhanding them. And those that actually wanted a lesbian romance novel: Could just step away without having lost anything... financially.

7: Very short one but: Selling a "40 [Mane 6 character] pictures" folio, that contains 3 pictures, and 24 edits total of those 3 pics, that's not how that works. If you have 1 pic of X with glasses, then remove the glasses, that is NOT a separate, entirely new picture. It's a variant of that SAME picture.

So, yeah. After all of this, I kinda went "fuck it!". As most have noticed: My activity has died down a lot simple due to: It's both impossible, and not worth fighting crime. As: Both people AND most websites side with the criminal.

I mean: People can get away with false advertisement with no repercussion. Like the classic "I'll draw any species, any gender" but then: If you ask for anything female that isn't human, you just get a "I never said any species OF any gender." and that's apparently a totally legit excuse.


Or, while more of just shit business practice: Being unable to offer ANYTHING for their females as they never bothered to learn how to draw it or put effort into them. Yet: Still charge the same price for it as a male. Despite that they can spend upwards of +4 hours less on it. Or as said: How websites defend criminals. Like: If you report a scammer, you might find yourself banned instead as "That's harassment". Since you can't point out someone is taking money without giving anything in return. (or commissioning, then doing charge-backs.) Since: You have NO RIGHT to infringe in how they earn money. That's between you and this other person, the website waves full liability. Most sites only lift a finger if it involves art theft. Since remember: It's not a crime if you get away with it. /sarcasm.

SOME fuck ups can be blamed on "it was a new fandom" and "inexperience" but: Porn folios has been around for DECADES. It's the same reason most of the apologetics for the epic store it moot: Yes, other stores like steam and such had years to learn and improve. Problem is: We HAVE all that knowledge already. Similarly: We've known for centuries that it's a shit thing to do to lie about what your can provide, or what your product contains. It's not rocket science. Like: When someone is on their 6'th folio, still falsely advertising, still lying and committing fraud... no. It's not an "honest mistake" it's a calculated, malicious and/or moronic move. Cuz they know their fans either have no standards, or are too dumb to care.



Posted by Kattlarv - August 28th, 2019

Seriously, why do I still have to correct people? This was old and pathetic over a DECADE ago.

And, let me start with: I am aware I am quite the dick. Most if it completely justified, granted. But a lot is just me being fed up with this shit. And some overreactions, those I am actually sorry about. But tbh, if you get mad that I expose your crimes, hypocrisy and/or that you are a hack... You don't really have a say.

And I know my online persona i based on taking the piss out of things, but we have gotten to the point the Onion is at. Where things that were considered TOO ludicrous to even be considered like, 5 years ago are simply standard practice nowadays. Like: How it's perfectly normal to falsely advertise and lie about your product, and/or never deliver on it. Since "How else would you get it sold?".

Facts are NOT "opinions" as so many loooove to tote. Nor is incompetence a "style/preference". Most that use that mantra are just lazy fucks that refuse to improve/learn.

Yes, you CAN like a mismatching or improper "anatomy" over one that has effort put into it. But that doesn't magically make it acceptable in terms of service. A 30 second, simplified half-assed pussy doodle you have zero say in, that the artist can't even place correctly CANNOT and WILL NOT ever be "equal" to a 4 hour, detailed dick that you are allowed to customize in any way you see fit.

It's not complicated. These are simple, observable facts. It's just worse service. Period. No matter how you twist it. It still boils down to the irrefutable, objective truth.

As said: I've been at this for over a decade. And I've NEVER been wrong when calling out bs, not once. (As said before; I have been wrong with PLENTY other stuff however. But never the facts.) History don't lie. I called out every. single. fraudulent MLP art folio there was. (That I could find... Which tbh: was a shocking amount.) That's not "objective" or an "opinion". Period. If it advertises as containing X but doesn't... Not complicated. Same for YCH that claims to offer "any species, any gender" but, can't draw ANY female genitalia, only 20+ male ones. Again: not complicated. Only knowing how to draw one isn't "any". Nor is claiming to offer "100 % X, 0 % Y" then having Y in the folio hard to grasp. Or: is offering a Kickstarter game, then never finishing it, simply abandoning it after never even finishing the female model, but re-drawing the male one twice. Or doing 3D stuff, but being too lazy to find or create a pussy model, so they just make the dick so hyper that it covers it up. Then just re-launching the same identical animation they released 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks ago, just at a different angle with re-skins. Since their fans are apparently too stupid to realize this is the same animation, just from the back.

Honestly, when my primary opponents are people like pathological liars, that LITERALLY formed a cabal just to slander and spread propaganda about me since they were unable to actually debate me. As, again: hard to argue irrefutable evidence... Not that it ever stopped them from trying, usually with "I'm famous, just take my word for it!" Which tbh: worked 9/10 times. Seriously people... Please do some individual thinking. If your favorite artist claims that "everything" is equal to "nothing", just take a second to go "wait a minute..." News flash: it's not. If you are offered 4 hours less work for the same price, just because you asked for a female character: question that. That's NOT the law. Ask for better service, OR: a discount. If they can't deliver: they should stop charging for it as if they could. Not to mention: I haven't spoken to a SINGLE customer of theirs that would be okay with paying for that shit of a service if it was a male character. (Or even the artists themselves. They DEMAND better service for their males, fancy that?)

Not to mention: People that keep droning on and on about the whole "nobody cares!" talking point. 

If people "didn't care", they wouldn't be screaming at the top of their lungs, every single day the second something marginally offends them, or steps an inch out of line.

Like: Remind me again what happened when they claimed over and over that "it's just a style/preference" to draw human anatomy on equines? And how "nobody cares"? Oh right, there was a guy that drew human MALE anatomy on a horse. And the fandom lost their shit to the degree where they tried to OUTLAW human penis on horses, along with harass, ban and bully that artist off that site. Yeah, yeah. That TOTALLY sounds like people that "don't care." don't you think?

Or people telling me that they don't care how me, or other people do certain things in a non-status quo manner. Yet: Swing by each week to bawl and shriek about how we "aren't doing it right!"

(And yes, I know some prefer worse quality overall. But that should be a choice. NOT the default. Or at the very least: charge accordingly to what you are able to deliver. If you can barely draw one female vag, don't price it the same as the 40+ HD penises you actually know how to draw properly.)



Posted by Kattlarv - July 7th, 2019

And other certain AAA companies. I mean, think about it: They want to defraud customers. Aggressively monetize and not give a flying fuck about quality.

They'd be PERFECT for porn. I mean, lets be honest here: I haven't been wrong [b]once[/b]in over a decade when it comes to calling out fraud, false advertisement or overall incompetence. And who do people side with 19/20 times? Whomever is more famous or their feelings regardless of facts.

They'd be a slam dunk. Lets just take some of the fine examples of the shit the R34 community has pulled over the years, and how people have staunchly defended fraud as "just a business model" and how discrimination and shipping half-baked products is just a "style". (ESPECIALLY in the MLP fandom)

- Sell a censored demo of a porn folio for full price (I think it was roughly $20) and then demand another $10 to download the "DLC" for the "Deluxe edition" that contained the ACTUAL art and not just the censored versions. Then their "customer support" going. "Sorry if you didn't like that we scammed you but... we DO already have your money so... either fuck off or give us more money.".

- Sell a "futa folio" containing 0 futa. 

- The fuckton of kickstarted games that never delivered. Or simply hoped you'd forget.

- The similar fuckton of crowdfunded games that promised you the moon, then about 10-20 % in, cancelled and asked you to crowdfund the sequel. And people did, like the good little cattle they are.

- Promising people a female PC (or sometimes male) in their porn game, then completely did a 180 with the content of the game. Not even remotely being the same experience. Or just getting like, 3 animations in, then scrapping the idea.

- Holding paid "raffles" where you throw money at them for a chance to win a commission. Hey, since loot boxes might get banned, they can just embrace this "surprise mechanic" of the porn fandom :D

- Falsely advertise their content, out the ass. Like: Promising there is ZERO dicks in this art folio. Then when people call them out on it, as there's a ton of dicks in it: Straight up lie and deny there being dicks in it. Then do the EXACT SAME THING for the 3 sequels. Each time slandering and harassing the critics who show irrefutably proof there IS indeed dicks in this folio.

- Straight up falsely advertise more: Promise people say... 37 pictures in a folio. Then, when it turns out there is 4 pictures and 33 edits like "with glasses, without glasses". Then have people say that the folio was complete shit or how "their regular art is MUCH better", which people did for nearly EVERY. SINGLE. FOLIO. Yet: They were gonna purchase the next one. Almost like annual releases... 

- Even more false advertisement. Promise people a lesbian incest folio and take pre-orders. Then last minute reveal that it's actually gay incest, psyche! Lol. (Though, for some reason, this is the ONLY folio I have seen fans get upset about. And the artist even offered a refund to those that wanted it.)

- Promise people a "comic folio" in full colour. Then turn out that 80 % of the comics are 1-2 pages, most in B&W (Hey, black and white ARE colours!), some just being as short as 3 panels. But, they're TECHNICALLY comics, so...

- Sell a half-baked folio where they don't even finish the nude versions, just leaving it with placeholder sketches for genitals. Then claiming they are trying a "new style": Incompetence/Laziness. That they cba to finish it. And, unless above 50 % of customers complain, they wont bother to do shit. Oh, and no refunds. They also used a fake email for "customer support". (Like the majority of the major MLP folios.)

- Selling a fuckton of commissions, then never deliver. Or, give a shitty compromise like "I know you paid me for a full colour with shading. Buuut... I don't feel like drawing it. So I'm offering you a 5 minute doodle instead. Take it or leave it." And people being [b]grateful[/b] for it. Since hey: They got [b]something[/b] out of it, and they DID get art from [brand artist]

And we can't forget gold like:

- People defending an artists right to ex: Refuse to draw black women for the reasoning: "I only draw normal, attractive women" and claim that reasoning is perfectly valid, "just a preference" and in no way discriminatory.

- Artists charging hidden fee's. Like: Claiming a character is ex: 100$. BUT: If you ask for a female. You pay 130. And if you ask for a male, you pay 70. Since: They want to put more effort and detail into their males. But: They consider it unfair to charge more simply because they give males a far superior model with effort and detail. But: They don't want to charge people that ask for males more, as that would be "unfair". But, since they ARE putting 5 times more on the males, they NEED to cover that extra cost. So: They did the only sensible thing: Charge the people that ask for females more to cover the cost. Despite copy pasting their female's genitalia to save time.

- Artists doing "YCH's" and offer "Any species, any gender!" but, ONLY if you ask for males. If you ask for a female: You may ONLY choose a human loli. And if you call them out on it: You're either blocked, or get the excuse "I never claimed you could pick any species OF any gender!".

- Artists hiding behind "incompetence is a style!" or "nobody cares!" to get away with shit that can't get away with in any other circumstance. Or specifically: It's ONLY acceptable for the specific topic they are completely useless at. Like how you can use "You can't put a HUMAN genital on a horse, that would look retarded!" and "You can't put a horse genital on a horse! That's zoophilia you sick fuck!" in the same sentence, and people not see any contradictions with that. In order to defend being a lazy hack that DEMANDS on drawing horse dick, but REFUSE to learn how to draw proper horsecunt. But you know: Lets just ignore the facts that if you try to pull that shit to excuse drawing ex: shota penis on a horse, along with hyper horsecunt, you basically get lynched. Since it's NOT okay to be utter shit at drawing dicks in this fandom, but its totally fine to be at a pre-school level of drawing pussy, able to do ONE model. When you draw dicks at academic levels. Since you know: You can charge the same for a 4 hour penis as for a 30 second vulva. They're both equal as you get "one genital" regardless. Lets not care that if you'd try giving people the same deal, but 4 hours vulva for the same price as a 30 second penis, you'd be found at the bottom of the gulf of Mexico xD But you know: There's NO bias here xP

So yeah. The community ferociously defend artists "right" to commit fraud, be incompetent and openly discriminate. 

People still cheer and encourage the practices that people are starting to get pissed about in when it comes to nearly all other types of services. Especially games. If EA wants to be a dick and rip off their customers and be praised for it, they should consider branching out to porn ;P


Posted by Kattlarv - July 2nd, 2019

Contrary to popular belief, this isn't extremely complicated rocket science.

In short you just need the following:

- A main character. Or the "PC" as they are known.

- NPC's that your PC can rub their genitals against, into or around. 

- Some sort of HUB area your PC can walk around. 

And there we have the bare minimum. 

Now, for whatever reason: People are utter shit at creating female PC's for this type of game roughly 9/10 times. And; Just like there's no reason for people to be selectively incompetent at female anatomy. People seem to fail horribly at creating female PC for HTH style games. (Much akin to female NPC's in RoR games.)

But, just like we got tons of "top tier" artists that are just utter shit at female genitalia, barely knowing how to draw one when they know how to draw 50+ penises in HD. People seem to struggle with creating female PC's for this type of game. So, let me just give you quick rundown since this seems to be so hard:

- Your PC should act like the PC. NOT an NPC. Yet, most "female version" of a HTH clone can't seem to wrap their head around this. You're NOT supposed to play as the male NPC's. Not that fucking hard to figure out. 

- Your PC's purpose is to go around and get off. If you've released content for over six months and don't have a SINGLE scene where your PC gets off, you've done fucked up. If your first scene for the male PC is him getting his dick sucked. That is a logical route for a HTH themed game. However, if your first scene for the female PC is her SUCKING a dick: You've already failed. You'd never make your male's first scene be him licking pussy, so don't make the same mistake when doing a female PC.

- It's like if you create a RoR game, and if you play female, the enemies approach you, and rape the PC. But if you play male, the enemies... still approach you, except the PC rapes them. That's kinda failing on the core concept right there.Yet; That is EXACTLY what people do with these HTH style games. The PC is supposed to go around and get pleasured. NOT the NPC's. Otherwise you should call it "Multiple males edition". 

- Trailing off here, but it would be like releasing "Super Mario Bros: Peach Edition" and you can play as Peach. Except: All you get to do is put the controller down, and sit for 1-3 hours in a cage, not allowed to play, while you wait to be rescued. That's basically what these HTH clones do. You either play as an NPC with no needs or self-regard. Or you play as multiple different males.

- Again, let us just go over those core parts again: 1: A PC out to pleasure their naughty bits. 2: NPC's ready and willing to pleasure those naughty bits. 3: A HUB where said pleasuring can be done. That's three simple thing. Three VERY simple things. How its even possible to mess up these roles, I don't rightly know.

- Unless you specifically set out to make some sort of "slut" game, where you play a cumdump with no needs or self-regard. Then DON'T flip the ENTIRE GAMEPLAY upside down if you change the gender of the PC. It would be like if in the new Pokemon, if you picked male: You had to defeat every single trainer and the elite four. But if you picked female, you had to LOSE to every single trainer and the elite four. Seriously. It's like if you bribe a guard in a game as female, it costs X currency, but if you play male, you GAIN X currency by bribing guards. And to that at least: Most should should be able to go "Wait, that doesn't make any sense!" and to that, I can just say: Exactly. So stop doing it.

I'd do a mic drop, but not even in the mood for that. 

Ever since "incompetence is a style" became normalized to excuse people being unable to draw or learn proper female anatomy, I've really stopped getting too invested in anything in the community.

Shesh, and I thought the day the fandom started to support and defend crimes was the breaking point for me...



Posted by Kattlarv - February 24th, 2017

So, just a random side note but.

Ran into yet another person as thick as a brick. Was discussing the state of porn. And dished out some facts and statistics. Based on surveys, and overall just the state of the porn fandom. And much like this new fad of "alternative fact", their only reply was to go "Well, that's just like, your opinion man. There's no way of reaching your kind. No way to gap the bridge. Cya!" and like... when did everyone turn into a religious fundamentalist? 

What ever happend to try and refute and debate evidence? When did it become okay to just go "Well, I THINK this is the truth, so that makes it okay to believe!". It's like if I mention the amount of animations Zone has done, and some people go "Nah, that's not true. I only count their games as animations. So you are wrong." or "I only count anything they do that's over a minute as animation. So you're incorrect."

Like, seriously? Where did this bs spring up from? And even more importantly: How did it become a thing? It's like how it's totally okay to be utterly incompetent at female genitalia, as long as you can draw male ones. It's as if Gordon Ramsey would be unable to boil water or knead dough. And people just shrug it off as that he's still the best chef in the world, cuz he makes a mean schnitzel. Like, that's not even fucking relevant... you wouldn't pay 50 $ for a packet of store bought noodles. So why the heck to hack artists get a free pass when they can't even draw a basic pussy? xD


Posted by Kattlarv - October 8th, 2016

So, I've gone and made my own survey. (first time, so it's a bit rickety xP)

I'm trying to get a decent measure on what females are after porn wise, as I can't just rely on my own preferences :P

So if you can participate, or simply share the word, that'd be appriciated~ https://sv.surveymonkey.com/r/HYC5DKW