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It is overall very solid. I can tell there was a lot of effort put into this. That said: There is a quality gap between the female and male characters. Not too huge, as with most other artists. But, the fact all female orgasms are toned down, and there's no unique pussies. While there are notable male orgasms and unique dicks.

Which, feels clashing with how the overall tone of the animation is a lot more... mutual pleasure, compared to the average one. Yet, *only* male characters have unique genitals and messy orgasms? It makes a bit weird tone shift when the "oomph" is one sided.

Well... nothing seems too out of place, yet... But with a history of being a pathological liar: I'm guessing the bait and switch will likely be in part 3. Unless it goes for intentionally lackluster, to promote future male content. I would be surprised if it actually stays on track and delivers.

Kinda peculiar tbh... It's not bad. Does feel a bit unfocused though as it trails off a lot. It does that thing where it can't really pick between being porn or a parody. As it has long stretches of basically going off doing something else. Does have promise though. You just need to focus a bit on what you're doing.

Anatomy wise, it looks alright. While it has the classic "micropussy gal without needs+hyper dick bois that are useless at sex" trope pairing. The guys aren't too much more detailed than the girl. And there's no huge quality gaps like most other animators have. And it being purely one sided pleasure wise, makes enough sense context wise. As, not like either of the bois are trying xP

But yeah, with a bit more direction I think you can do some interesting things~

Mofentea responds:

Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, i know that my work lacks some anatomical accuracy and detail. Another thing, i am not deeply familiar with western culture, and English is not my native language, which makes it kinda hardfor me to create reasonable conversations and storylines. It was also difficult to focus on these aspects while working on all the visual elements you can see in the animation. I didn't use many references while working on it, and I was simultaneously learning animation and software. I drew that scene—Evelynn first appearing to Teemo—about 8-9 months ago. However, I'm still improving and more dedicated than ever to making progress before launching the final version.

Recent Game Reviews

193 Game Reviews

Still slow on the Gloria update, eh?

Huh... that's... honestly really lackluster. Like, vulva quality is down. It lacks orgasm for the female. (Which, is very spotty in your works) But in this case, it's extra lacking. Kinda all of your works lately have felt kinda half-finished tbh. Not bad per se. Just very... "That's it?", as it kinda has half the parts.

Recent Audio Reviews

4 Audio Reviews

I wouldn't say "late" as well, honestly it's not like I expected to find people in the same day or anything xP
I reckon I'd have to look for a few weeks at least :P So no worries about being "late" ;3
Still gotta find a Summers, but I'll mention who gets the part once I have all the VA's I need.

Can say you really captured the "feel" of the show hehe. Really neatly made demo imo :3
Will still look through the rest of the VA's. And still need a Summers, so we'll have to wait and see until then~
But yeah, really like your... enthusiasm? Would that be the correct term?

SupahFox responds:

Thanks for the positive response. I had a lot of fun coming up with the lines for this demo.

Recent Art Reviews

361 Art Reviews

Pretty good~
Reminds me of that "glowing pussy" meme xP

It kinda builds itself tbh xP

I can't even tell if you messed up and made it upside down... Like, jebus. The corner cutting on females is wild.

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Age 33, Female

Joined on 6/7/12

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